Figure 11

Dalum et al., 2021 - High-Resolution, 3D Imaging of the Zebrafish Gill-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GIALT) Reveals a Novel Lymphoid Structure, the Amphibranchial Lymphoid Tissue
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Figure 11

Modifications of the zf-GIALT structure upon SVCV infection. Representative deconvolved confocal images of adult zebrafish gills 3 days (A–E) and 10 days (F–J) post-infection with the Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus (SVCV). Images were acquired from 30 μm whole-body cryosections stained with phalloidin (green) and DAPI (blue) and where T/NK cells were labeled with anti-ZAP70 antibody (red hot). (A) Low magnification image of a gill arch illustrating the overall reduced number of T/NK cells in the gills 3 days after infection. This depletion of T/NK cells is particularly striking within the ALT (B, C) and the ILT (D, E). Yellow arrowheads in (A) point to T/NK cells adhering to the endothelium of blood vessels. (F) Low magnification image of two gill arches illustrating the replenishment of the zf-GIALT 10 days after infection. The number of T/NK cells within the ALT (G, H) and the ILT (I, J) is a lot higher; and T/NK cells form small clusters (cyan arrowheads in H, I and J). Images are maximum intensity projections: 2 µm (B–E, G–J) and 5 µm (A, F). Annotations: Aa, Afferent artery; Aaa, Afferent arch artery; ALT, Amphibranchial Lymphoid Tissue; Bc, Branchial cavity; C, Cartilage; Ea, Efferent artery; Ga, Gill arch; ILT, Interbranchial Lymphoid Tissue; La, Lamella; S, Septum and Vb, Vascular bleb. Scale bars: 10 µm (H), 20 μm (B–E, G, I, J) and 50 µm (A, F).

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