Most of Δ113p53 expresses in the radial glial cells and a small part in RMS cells along the telencephalon ventricular zone.A Top panel: a schematic diagram representing zebrafish brain structure. The dotted lines with different numbers represent different positions in the zebrafish telencephalon along the anterior to the posterior axis. Gray color: olfactory bulb; green color: telencephalon; purple color: midbrain; red color: hindbrain. Bottom panel: diagram representing the cross-section of telencephalon corresponding to the position as indicated by the dotted line 2 in the top panel. TV telencephalic ventricle, D dorsal telencephalic area, V ventral telencephalic area, Vd dorsal nucleus of V, Vv ventral nucleus of V, RMS rostral migratory stream. The photos in the following panels were representatives of the cross-sections corresponding to the region shown in the diagram. The representatives of other regions were presented in Supplementary Fig. S1. B Cryosections of Tg(Δ113p53:GFP) telencephalon were immunostained by anti-GFP (in green) (B’) and anti-p53 (in red) antibodies (B”). The nuclei were stained with DAPI (in blue). Arrowhead: p53+/GFP− cells; yellow arrow: p53-/GFP+ cells; white arrow: p53+/GFP+ cells. Scale bar, 10 μm. C Cryosections of Tg(Δ113p53:GFP) telencephalon were immunostained by anti-GFP (in green) and anti-GFAP (in red) antibodies. The nuclei were stained with DAPI (in blue). The framed area in C was magnified in C’ (merged), C” (GFP), and C”’ (GFAP). Scale bar in C, 50 μm; Scale bar in C’, C”, C”’, 10 μm. D Cryosections of Tg(Δ113p53:GFP;olig2:dsRed) telencephalon were immunostained by anti-GFP (in green), and the red fluorescence was from the en vivo DsRed. The nuclei were stained with DAPI (in blue). The framed area in D was magnified in D’ (merged), D” (GFP), and D”’ (DsRed). White arrows: GFP+/DsRed+ cells. Scale bar in D, 50 μm; scale bar in D’, D”, D”’, 10 μm. E, F Cryosections of Tg(Δ113p53:GFP);p53+/+ telencephalon (E, E’) and Tg(Δ113p53:GFP);p53M214K/ M214K telencephalon (F, F’) were immunostained by anti-GFP (in green) and anti-GFAP (in red) antibodies. The nuclei were stained with DAPI (in blue). Scale bar, 10 μm.