Depletion of Δ113p53 has little effect on DNA damage response and apoptotic activity in zebrafish telencephalons.A–F Cryosections of Δ113p53+/+ (A, D) and Δ113p53M/M telencephalons (B, E) at 16- or 24-months old were stained with an anti-γ-H2AX (in red) antibody. G–L TUNEL assay (in red) was performed on cryosections of Δ113p53+/+ (G, J) and Δ113p53M/M zebrafish telencephalons (H, K) at 16- and 24-months old, as indicated. The nuclei were stained with DAPI (in blue). An average number of γ-H2AX + cells or apoptotic cells per 100 μm of the ventricular zone (VZ) in one section from the middle region of each telencephalon was presented in C (16-months old) and F (24-months old) or I (16-months old) and L (24-months old), respectively. Framed areas in A, B, D, E, G, H, J, K were magnified in A’, B’, D’, E’, G’, H’, J’, K’, respectively. Scale bar in A, B, D, E, G, H, J, K, 50 μm; Scale bar in A’, B’, D’, E’, G’, H’, J’, K’, 10 μm. Each dot represents the average number of γ-H2AX + cells or apoptotic cells per 100 μm of VZ in one section. About four to five sections were chosen from the middle region of each telencephalon, and at least five telencephalons were sampled in each group. Statistical analysis was performed on relevant data using the Student’s two-tailed t test. N.S., P > 0.05.