Figure 3.
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-191230-1755
- Publication
- Swire et al., 2019 - Endothelin signalling mediates experience-dependent myelination in the CNS
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(A) Quantification of CNP positive cells in medial prefrontal cortex layers II/III: Wild type 7709 ± 378.7 n = 5 mice, EDNRB CKO 7288 ± 1054 n = 4 mice (mean ± standard error) and layer V: Wild type 18879 ± 1559 n = 9 mice, EDNRB CKO 21016 ± 2878 n = 3 mice (mean ± standard error). Mann Whitney test, layer II/III p=0.9048, layer V p=0.3527. (B) Representative images of medial prefrontal cortex oligodendrocytes stained for CNPase. Scale bar = 20 μm. (C) Mean number of myelin sheath formed by oligodendrocytes per mouse. Wild type 47.66 ± 1.015 n = 7 mice, EDNRB CKO 37.39 ± 1.099 n = 4 mice (mean ± standard error). Mann-Whitney test, p=0.0106. (D) Pooled data for number of myelin sheaths formed by layer II/III medial prefrontal cortex oligodendrocytes. Wild type 47.80 ± 7.289 n = 49 cells from seven mice, EDNRB CKO 37.39 ± 7.208 n = 28 cells from four mice (mean ± standard deviation). Mann-Whitney test, p=<0.001. (E) Time spent within 2.5 cm of non-social container: Wild type 37.58 s ± 8.683 n = 12, EDNRB CKO 41.06 ± 21.29 n = 14 and social container: Wild type 110.7 s ± 21.71 n = 12, EDNRB CKO 88.39 s ± 25.79 n = 14 (mean ± standard deviation). Unpaired T-test p=0.0267 |