lnx2a is expressed in the ventral pancreas during early pancreas specification. Dorsal views (A and B). (A) lnx2a transcripts are detected in the ventral pancreas from 19 to 55 hpf; expression in nervous system is seen in rostral (upper) parts of the images. (B) Drawings of lnx2a expression domain (blue) during early pancreas development. Until 26 hpf (A1 - A3), lnx2a-expressing cells are located at the midline. After 24 hpf, the process of gut looping moves lnx2a-expressing cells to the left of the midline. Between 28 and 48h hpf, lnx2a-expressing cells are expanded to the right side and form a connection between the developing intestine and the dorsal bud (A4 - A6). After 48 hpf, lnx2a-expressing cells are mainly located in the surrounding region (arrow) of the primary islet which develops from the dorsal bud, (A6 - A8, arrowhead in B). (C) The earliest pancreas specific marker, pdx1, is expressed in all pancreas progenitors (VB and DB) from 14 hpf, the earliest ventral pancreas specific marker, ptf1a, is expressed from 33 hpf, and lnx2a is expressed only in the ventral pancreas from 19 hpf. P, posterior; L, Left; Li, Liver; VB, Ventral bud; DB, Dorsal bud; ln, Intestine; SB, Swim bladder; Scale bar, 100 µm.