Fig. 9

Bertho et al., 2021 - Zebrafish dazl regulates cystogenesis and germline stem cell specification during the primordial germ cell to germline stem cell transition
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Fig. 9

Zygotic dazl mutants are sterile males. (A-C) Overall morphology of representative adult wild-type female (A), male (B) and dazlΔ7/ae57 compound heterozygote (C). Males and females are distinguished based on secondary sex traits (color and tubercles on male fins). (D-F) Dissected trunks with the gonad region, indicated with yellow dashed lines, of wild-type female (D), male (E) and dazlΔ7/ae57 compound heterozygote (F). (D′-F′) Higher magnification views of blue outlined region in D-F. (D′,E′) Oocytes in females (D′) and sperm/testicular structures of males (E′). No identifiable gametes or GCs were detected in compound heterozygotes (F′). (G-I) Gonads labeled with Vasa reveal the oocytes (G), spermatocytes (H) and a gonad lacking GCs (I).

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: Days 45-89 to Adult

Phenotype Detail
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