Fig. 6

Bertho et al., 2021 - Zebrafish dazl regulates cystogenesis and germline stem cell specification during the primordial germ cell to germline stem cell transition
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Fig. 6

(A-E″) Single confocal plane of representative dazlΔ7/+ and dazlΔ7/Δ7 at day 8, and dazlΔ7/+, dazlΔ7/Δ7 and dazlae57/Δ7 gonads at day 10. Fish are transgenic for [ziwi:GFP], expressed zygotically in the germ cells. Gonads were immunostained with GFP (green, germ cells), Vasa (magenta) as a GC-specific cytoplasmic marker, and DAPI (gray; nuclei). (A-A″) GFP expression in Vasa+ GC of day 8 dazlΔ7/+ (n=2, B-B″) and dazlΔ7/Δ7 (n=2) gonads, and day 10 dazlΔ7/+ (n=2, C-C″), dazlΔ7/Δ7 (n=4, D-D″) and dazlae57/Δ7 (n=2, E-E″) gonads. Yellow dashed lines delineate the gonad.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage: Days 7-13

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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