Overall phenotypes of chd7 mutants. (A) Expression of chd7 in chd7 sr5 and chd7 sr6 larvae at 4 dpf. The fold change of chd7 expression compared to WT was shown. (B) Percentage of the surviving offspring from chd7 sr5 incross (n > 40 for each time point). (C) Bright field images of chd7 sr5 and MZchd7 sr5 mutants at 7 dpf. MZchd7 sr5 fish have a smaller swim bladder (yellow arrowhead), pericardial edema (red asterisk), and small eyes (blue arrowhead). (D) Quantification of heart edema. Nearly 40% of MZchd7 sr5 fish have heart edema; however, chd7 sr5 fish do not show heart edema phenotypes. WT: n = 879, chd7 sr5 : n = 747, MZchd7 sr5 : n = 751. (E) Quantification of the small eye phenotype. The longest diameter of the dissected eye was measured. The eye size of the MZchd7 sr5 mutants is significantly reduced (n = 22 for each group). Statistical analyses were performed using the ordinary one-way ANOVA test for (A,E) and chi-square test for (B,D). ns: p ≥ 0.05, *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001, and ****: p < 0.0001.