TUNEL-positive photoreceptor nuclei were increased in tmem216 knockouts. Cryosections from 7-dpf zebrafish were stained by TUNEL assay (green) and anti-CHOP (Proteintech), counter stained with DAPI. (A) Wildtype. (B, C) tmem216snyR8Δ60 homozygous retina. Note TUNEL-positive DAPI-labeled rod (arrow in B) and cone (arrow in C) nuclei. (D) Quantification of TUNEL-positive nuclei. Number of TUNEL-positive nuclei were significantly increased in the outer nuclear layer of tmem216snyR8Δ60 homozygous animals (n = 3, Student's t-test); similar phenotype was observed in tmem216snyΔ175 animals. (E, F) CHOP staining of wildtype and knockout retina. Immunoreactivity of CHOP antibody was similar between wildtype and tmem216snyR8Δ60 homozygous retina. Scale bar in A: 6 µm for A, E, and F; 8 µm for B and C.