Figure 4

Grivas et al., 2020 - Loss of Caveolin-1 and caveolae leads to increased cardiac cell stiffness and functional decline of the adult zebrafish heart
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Figure 4

Heart regeneration is unaffected in cav1cn100 mutants. (aj) cav1+/+ and cav1cn100 hearts were cryoinjured and harvested 30 (a, b), 60 (d, e) or 90 dpci (g, h), and processed for AFOG staining, which labels collagen in blue, fibrin in red and healthy myocardium in brown. (i) heterozygous cav1+/cn100 heart, 90 dpci. (c, f, j) Quantification of the injury site. Injuries were quantified as a percentage of the damaged tissue (collagen and fibrin) to the total area of the ventricle. 30 dpci nWT = ncn100 = 10; 60 dpci nWT = ncn100 = 10; 90 dpci nWT = 9, ncn100 = 12, t-test. Scale bars 250 μm.

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