Hdac1 is required for the proliferation of SHF progenitors.(A-B”‘) Confocal images of IHC for hearts and Nkx2.5+ SHF progenitors in WT sibling and crg mutant embryos at 33 hpf. Nkx2.5+ (green), PHH3 (blue) and MHC (purple). Outline in A and B indicates Nkx2.5+/MHC- SHF. Arrows indicate Nkx2.5+/MHC-/PHH3+ cells. Yellow arrow indicates Nkx2.5+/MHC-/pHH3+ cell of the higher magnification inset. (A”“and B”“) Schematic indicating IHC from A and B. Green indicates Nkx2.5+/MHC- cells. Blue indicates Nkx2.5+/MHC-/PHH3+ cells. Purple indicates MHC+ cells. Anterior is up in A-B”“. (C) Quantification of SHF progenitors (Nkx2.5+/MHC-). (D) Percentage of PHH3+ SHF progenitors. For C and D, n = 14 for WT and n = 15 crg mutants. (E) RT-qPCR for cdkn1a from sorted nkx2.5:ZsYellow+ cells.