Loss of ripply3 in crg mutants partially restores VC number.(A,B) Control and transgenic hsp70l:GFP-ripply3 embryos at 48 hpf following heat-shock at 20 hpf. (C,D) Hearts from control and hsp70l:GFP-ripply3 transgenic embryos with the myl7:DsRed2-NLS transgene at 48 hpf following heat-shock at 20 hpf. Purple alone indicates ventricle. Yellow indicates atrium. Arrows indicate arterial pole of the ventricle. (E) Quantification of CMs in control and hsp70l:GFP-ripply3 transgenic embryos at 48 hpf following GFP-ripply3 induction at 20 hpf (n = 18 for control, n = 29 for GFP-ripply3+). (F) Quantification of VCs in crgwt+het; ripply3wt+het, crgwt+het; ripply3-/-, crg-/-; ripply3wt+het, and crg-/-; ripply3-/- embryos at 48 hpf (n = 37 for crgwt+het; ripply3wt+het, n = 10 for crgwt+het; ripply3-/-, n = 48 for crg-/-; ripply3wt+het, n = 18 for crg-/-; ripply3-/-). (G) Quantification of VCs in WT (crgwt+het—uninjected) sibling, crgwt+het–Tbx1 depleted, crg-/-—uninjected, and crg-/-—Tbx1-depleted embryos at 48 hpf (n = 11 for crgwt+het—control uninjected, n = 10 for crgwt+het–Tbx1-depleted, n = 10 for crg-/-—control uninjected, n = 10 for crg-/-—Tbx1-depleted). For all CM quantification, embryos contained the myl7:DsRed2-NLS transgene.