Fig. S1
Kiss-R1-ir localization and KRBDP2 expression in other regions of the zebrafish brain. A1-D1, Kiss-R1-immunoreactive (-ir) cell somata observed outside of the habenula such as the dorsal telencephalic area (A1), central, medial (B1) and posterior (C1) zone of dorsal telencephalic area, postcommissural nucleus of ventral of the ventral telencephalic area (B1), inner arcuate nucleus and intermediate reticular formation (D1). A2-D2, KRBDP2 mRNA expression was also observed in same regions as Kiss-R1-ir cells. A3-D3, The sense riboprobe showed no expression of KRBDP2 mRNA. For abbreviations, see Table 2. Scale bars, 100 µm. |