rock2b knockdown alters heart and gut laterality. (A,B) Embryos injected with a low dose of rock2b MO-1 (B) appeared similar to wild-type controls (A) at 2 dpf, (C-E) Analysis of heart looping at 2 dpf by cmlc2 RNA in situ hybridizations revealed normal rightward looping in control embryos (arrow in C), and LR defects including a failure of heart looping (arrow in D) and reversed looping (arrow in E) in rock2b MO embryos. (F-H) foxa3 was used to label liver (arrow) and pancreas (arrowhead) at 2 dpf. Controls showed normal asymmetric orientation of these organs (F), whereas they were often bilaterally symmetric (arrows in G) or in a reversed position (arrow in H) in rock2b MO embryos. (I) The percentage of embryos injected with MO or MO + rescue mRNA which showed heart and gut laterality defects are presented in the graph and in Table S1 in the supplementary material. *Significantly different (P<0.05) from wild-type and control MO embryos. Error bars indicate +1 s.d. n=number of embryos analyzed.