- Title
BRCA2 and TP53 collaborate in tumorigenesis in zebrafish
- Authors
- Shive, H.R., West, R.R., Embree, L.J., Golden, C.D., and Hickstein, D.D.
- Source
- Full text @ PLoS One
Tumor development in tp53+/m zebrafish is influenced by brca2 mutation status. (A) Age at tumor diagnosis is significantly lower in brca2 m/m;tp53+/m zebrafish compared to brca2+/+;tp53+/m and brca2+/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. (B) The percentage of zebrafish that developed at least one malignant tumor, only benign tumors, or no tumors, in brca2+/+;tp53+/m, brca2+/m;tp53+/m, and brca2 m/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. (C) MPNST from a brca2+/+;tp53+/m zebrafish. (D) Undifferentiated sarcoma from a brca2 m/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. (E) MPNST and nephroblastoma from a brca2+/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. MPNST, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor; NB, nephroblastoma. Scale bars, 20 μm (C,D) and 200 μm (E). PHENOTYPE:
Malignant zebrafish tumors frequently develop LOH for brca2 and/or tp53. (A–C), Before (upper panels) and after (lower panels) images of LCM-guided sample collection from an MPNST (A), an MPNST and a nephroblastoma (B), and a normal liver (C). Regions of sample collection are outlined in color. (D) MPNST from a brca2+/m;tp53+/m zebrafish shows loss of the brca2 and tp53 wildtype alleles. (E) MPNST and nephroblastoma from a brca2+/m;tp53+/m zebrafish show disparate LOH profiles. LOH, loss of heterozygosity; MPNST, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor; NB, nephroblastoma. PHENOTYPE: