Fig. 1

Figures for Shive et al., 2014
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Tumor development in tp53+/m zebrafish is influenced by brca2 mutation status.

(A) Age at tumor diagnosis is significantly lower in brca2 m/m;tp53+/m zebrafish compared to brca2+/+;tp53+/m and brca2+/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. (B) The percentage of zebrafish that developed at least one malignant tumor, only benign tumors, or no tumors, in brca2+/+;tp53+/m, brca2+/m;tp53+/m, and brca2 m/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. (C) MPNST from a brca2+/+;tp53+/m zebrafish. (D) Undifferentiated sarcoma from a brca2 m/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. (E) MPNST and nephroblastoma from a brca2+/m;tp53+/m zebrafish. MPNST, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor; NB, nephroblastoma. Scale bars, 20 μm (C,D) and 200 μm (E).

Figure Data
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