Transgenic Construct


Previous Names
  • Tg(6xNFkB:EGFP)
  • Tg(6xnfkbiaa:EGFP)
  • Tg(NFkB:EGFP) (1)
Regulatory Regions
Coding Sequences
[Em λ][Ex λ]
Contains Sequences
Construct contains 6 repeats of the NF-kappa B binding site from the human kappa light chain immunoglobulin gene.
Plasmid Map
Genomic Features
That Utilize Tg(6xHsa.NFKB:EGFP) Construct
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
That Utilize Tg(6xHsa.NFKB:EGFP) Construct
Fish Affected Genomic Regions Phenotype Gene Expression
cs3Tg; nc1Tg
Fig. 5 with image from Aigler et al., 2014
ddx41sa14887/sa14887; nc1Tg/nc1Tg Fig. 4 with image from Weinreb et al., 2021 Fig. 4 with image from Weinreb et al., 2021
ddx41sa14887/sa14887; nc1Tg/nc1Tg + MO1-cgasa
Fig. 4 with image from Weinreb et al., 2021 Fig. 4 with image from Weinreb et al., 2021
ddx41sa14887/sa14887; nc1Tg/nc1Tg + MO1-sting1
Fig. 4 with image from Weinreb et al., 2021 Fig. 4 with image from Weinreb et al., 2021
hzm1Et; io006Tg; nz50Tg; sh235Tg
Fig. 4 with image from Feng et al., 2012 Fig. 4 with image from Feng et al., 2012
jh11Tg; nc1Tg
Fig. 5 with image from Wang et al., 2015
mir223pu18/pu18; nc1Tg Fig. 4 with image from Zhou et al., 2018 Fig. 4 with image from Zhou et al., 2018
mir223pu18/pu18; nc1Tg + MO1-rac2 + MO1-spi1b
Fig. 4 with image from Zhou et al., 2018 Fig. 4 with image from Zhou et al., 2018
myd88hu3568/hu3568; sh235Tg; ump2Tg Fig. 3 from Cunha et al., 2020
11 figures with image from 9 publications 19 figures with image from 11 publications
nc1Tg + CRISPR7-myd88 + CRISPR8-myd88
Fig. 5 with image from Hsu et al., 2018
nc1Tg + MO1-ikbkb
nc1Tg + MO2-tnfrsf1b
Fig. 2 from Martínez-Navarro et al., 2020 Fig. 5 with image from Smith et al., 2017
nc1Tg + MO4-tnfa
Fig. 5 with image from Smith et al., 2017
nc1Tg/+ (AB)
4 figures with image from 2 publications 4 figures with image from 2 publications
nc1Tg; pu12Tg
Fig. 6 with image from Zhou et al., 2018
nc1Tg; s896Tg
Fig. 5 from Espín-Palazón et al., 2014
nc1Tg; tud205Tg
2 figures with image from Delgadillo-Silva et al., 2019 2 figures with image from Delgadillo-Silva et al., 2019
nc1Tg; uwm17Tg
Fig. 4 with image from LeBert et al., 2015 Fig. 4 with image from LeBert et al., 2015
nc1Tg; vu234Tg
Fig. 5 with image from Smith et al., 2017
Fig. 4 from de Oliveira et al., 2014 5 figures with image from 5 publications
sh235Tg + MO2-atp1b1a
Fig. 9 with image from Hatzold et al., 2016
Fig 3 with image from Hatzold et al., 2023
sh235Tg/sh235Tg + MO1-st14a + MO2-atp1b1a
Fig 3 with image from Hatzold et al., 2023
sh235Tg/sh235Tg + MO2-atp1b1a
Fig 3 with image from Hatzold et al., 2023
sh235Tg; ue3Tg/ue3Tg
sh235Tg; ump2Tg
Fig. 3 from Cunha et al., 2020
spint1ahi2217Tg/hi2217Tg; nc1Tg 2 figures from Martínez-Navarro et al., 2020
spint1ahi2217Tg/hi2217Tg; nc1Tg + CRISPR1-pygl
Fig. 5 from Martínez-Navarro et al., 2020
spint1ahi2217Tg/hi2217Tg; nc1Tg + CRISPR2-g6pd
Fig. 5 from Martínez-Navarro et al., 2020
spint1ahi2217Tg/hi2217Tg; nc1Tg/nc1Tg 2 figures with image from Martínez-Morcillo et al., 2021
spns1hi891Tg/hi891Tg; nc1Tg Fig. 8 with image from Coffey et al., 2021 Fig. 8 with image from Coffey et al., 2021
tp53zdf1/zdf1; nc1Tg Fig. 3 with image from Coffey et al., 2018
tp53zdf1/zdf1; nc1Tg/nc1Tg 3 figures with image from Lee et al., 2022 3 figures with image from Lee et al., 2022
Sequence Information
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