Figure 5

Witkamp et al., 2024 - Lithium: effects in animal models of vanishing white matter are not promising
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Figure 5

Lithium subtly increases the expression of the ATF4-regulated transcriptome in the mouse brain. WT (circles) and 2b4he2b5ho mutant (VWM; squares) mice were i.p. injected daily with 200 mg/kg lithium (blue) or placebo (black) for 1 week (n = 8 per treatment, per genotype). Mice were terminated approximately 8 h after injection. Cerebellar RNA and protein samples were derived from the same lysate. Lithium effects on indicated ISR markers were determined using the Western blot for eIF2α phosphorylation (n = 7–8) and qPCR for mRNA expression (Sorcs1 and Nrxn as reference, n = 8). The graphs show individual and mean values, +/− SEM. The shown ISR markers differ significantly in placebo-treated WT versus placebo-treated 2b4he2b5ho mice (p < 0.05; not indicated, Supplementary Data Sheet S1). Treatment effects were statistically analyzed using an unpaired t-test or Mann–Whitney test (VWM: Ddit3/Chop, Gadd34, Nupr; Supplementary Data Sheet S1). Raw data are available in Supplementary Data Sheet S2. *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01.

Expression Data

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