Environmental factors affect the strength of segmentation phenotypes. a Embryo percentage of wild-type and her1ci302 mutants raised at 21 °C, 23 °C, and 28 °C based on segmentation phenotype. Wild-type embryos have intact boundaries at all temperatures (n = 100, N = 12). her1ci302 mutants displaying segmentation defects at 21 °C (n = 78, N = 15), but incomplete penetrance phenotypes at 23 °C (n = 99, N = 15), and 28 °C (n = 100, N = 15). Striped bar denotes embryos with wild-type phenotype, dotted bar denotes defected embryos. P > 0.9999, ***P = 0.0002 and ***P = 0.0003 between embryos raised at 21 °C and 23 °C, 21 °C and 28 °C, and 23 °C and 28 °C, respectively (two-tailed Fisher’s exact test). ns, not significant. b Number of defective boundaries per each side of her1ci302 mutants at different temperatures, 21 °C (n = 156, N = 15), 23 °C (n = 198, N = 15), and 28 °C (n = 200, N = 15). ****P = 0.5355 × 10−7 (21 °C vs 23 °C), ****P < 0.0001 × 10−11 (23 °C vs 28 °C), Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA with Dunn’s multiple-comparison correction. c Number of defective boundaries per each side of her7hu2526 mutants at 21.5 °C (n = 58, N = 1), at 23 °C (n = 192, N = 4), and at 28 °C (n = 198, N = 4). ****P = 0.1305 × 10−4 (21.5 °C vs 23 °C), ****P < 0.0001 × 10−11 (23 °C vs 28 °C), unpaired two-tailed ANOVA without equal standard deviation assumption and with Games-Howell’s multiple comparison test. d Hypoxia (n = 300, N = 4) affects somite segmentation phenotype (controls: n = 300, N = 4). ****P < 0.0001 × 10−11, two-tailed Mann–Whitney U-test. The violin plots show the median (thick black line) and quartiles (thin black lines). n is the number of embryos in (a), and sides in (b–d); N is the number of fish pairs in (a–c), and number of independent experiments in (d). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.