sap130a and sap130b have non-overlapping functions in the zebrafish heart (A, B) A simple distance matrix phylogeny tree of Sap130a and Sap130b in broad or teleost specific contexts (C) Schematic of Sap130a and Sap130b protein sequences from the UniProt database highlighting the conserved regions and predicted mutant proteins. Unorganized sequence in pink, C-terminal conserved domain in blue, which contains the binding domain for SIN3A and HDAC1 (D, E) Representative images of Tg(myl7:EGFP), MZsap130a;Tg(myl7:EGFP) and MZsap130b;Tg(myl7:EGFP) mutant hearts at 48hpf. V and A are ventricle and atria, respectively. Scale bar 100 μm.