zrsr2-knockout embryos display morphological and hematopoietic defects. (A) Morphological phenotypes of zrsr2hg129/hg129 embryos at 4, 5, and 7 dpf are shown in the right panel compared to their WT siblings in the left panel. Blue arrow marks defective jaw, red arrows mark cardiac edema, green arrows mark uninflated swim bladder, and green arrows with asterisks mark the normal inflated swim bladder in WT embryos. All images depict lateral views of the embryos. (B) Ventral view of embryos stained with Alcian blue depicting the cartilage of developing jaw of WT embryos (top panel) and zrsr2hg129/hg129 embryos (bottom panel) at 4 dpf with purple arrows marking the mandibular cartilage and orange arrows marking the pharyngeal arches. (C) Survival of embryos collected from adult zrsr2hg129/+ in-cross. The bar graph displays the genotype ratios as a percentage of total sampled embryos, and red lines indicate the expected Mendelian offspring ratios (1:2:1; zrsr2+/+: zrsr2hg129/+: zrsr2hg129/hg129). Numbers in the bars represent the number of embryos of each genotype. Clutches were sampled for genotype makeup at multiple time points as marked on the X-axis. zrsr2hg129/hg129 embryos died by 8 dpf, while zrsr2hg129/+ and zrsr2+/+ embryos survived to adulthood. (D) WISH for definitive hematopoietic markers c-myb (36 hpf, 3 dpf, and 5 dpf), mpo (5 dpf) and hbae1 (5 dpf), showing expression in zrsr2hg129/hg129 embryos (right panel) compared to their siblings (left panel). Lateral views of embryos are shown in all images, with purple arrows marking the CHT region, showing reduced expression in zrsr2hg129/hg129 embryos.