Fig. 4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-220815-4
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- Ethiraj et al., 2022 - Colorimetric and fluorescent TRAP assays for visualising and quantifying fish osteoclast activity
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Fluorescent TRAP staining can be combined with immunofluorescence. A-L) Confocal images of dissected fifth ceratobranchial bone with pharyngeal teeth of a ctsk:DsRed; sp7:EGFP double transgenic adult which had been processed for ELF97 TRAP staining (C,H) and immunostained with antibodies against EGFP (A,G) and DsRed (B,I). Both whole-mount (A-F) and cryosectioned (G-L) samples are presented. Co-localisation demonstrates ELF97 signal associated with DsRed positive osteoclasts at the base of the teeth (D,E,J,K), whereas eGFP positive osteoblasts are found within the teeth (E, F, K, L). Fluorescent channels are also shown with DIC image (F,L). Scale bars: F) 200 μm; L) 50 μm. |