TRAP-RNAseq identifies upregulation of the complement pathway and c3a.1 in response to wounding. (A) Expression measured by RNA-seq (fpkm) of complement pathway gene c3a.1 across all three cell types. Each dot represents one replicate. (B) RT-qPCR validation of c3a.1 gene expression in neutrophils and macrophages. Each dot represents one replicate; measurements for each replicate were performed in triplicate. Data is expressed as the fold change in mean Cq, normalized to ef1a expression and expression of c3a.1 in unwounded controls. N = 200 larvae/condition/replicate. C, D. Expression measured by RNA-seq (fpkm) of complement pathway genes c5 (C) and c9 (D), across all 3 three cell types. Each dot represents one replicate.