Zebrafish fgfr3 is highly conserved across multiple species. (A) Multiple alignment of amino acids of FGFR3 for human (806 aa), mouse (800 aa) and zebrafish (819 aa). Identical amino acids are shaded. The three Ig-like domains (Ig I-III), transmembrane domain (TM), and tyrosine-protein kinase domain (PTK) are marked with blue, green and red boxes, respectively. (B) The identity of multiple domains of each FGFR3 protein for human, mouse and zebrafish, as referred to human FGFR3. (C) Conserved synteny analysis for FGFR3 gene in zebrafish, human and mouse. Numbers next to the gene names represent megabase pair (Mbp) of gene location on the chromosome. Chromosome segments are represented with blue lines and dashed blue lines represent discontinuous segments. Orthologs are connected with black lines.