Decreased neuromast cell proliferation after hair cell ablation in gemin3, gemin5, and smn1 mutants.a Confocal images of lateral line neuromasts in the control and gemin5hg81 mutant at 1-day post hair cell ablation. Neuromasts were stained with DAPI (blue) and proliferating cells were labeled by EdU (pink). The embryos used for the analysis were obtained from a pairwise incross of heterozygotic parents. Hair cells were ablated at 5 dpf. EdU treatment was conducted at 1-day post ablation. Scale bar, 10 µm. b Quantification of EdU-positive cells in the embryos carrying wild-type, heterozygous, or homozygous gemin5hg81 mutations. c Quantification of EdU-positive cells in the embryos carrying wild-type, heterozygous, or homozygous smn1fh229 mutations. d Quantification of EdU-positive cells in the embryos carrying wild type, heterozygous, or homozygous gemin3hg105 mutations. The graphs show mean ± s.e.m. Homozygous mutants for all three regeneration genes have a significantly reduced number of proliferating cells. **P < 0.01; ****P < 0.0001. Data for each mutation were generated using ~40 embryos born from a single pair of heterozygous parents.