All members of the Paf1C are needed for maintenance of the trunk premigratory NC. Gene expression in 12-12.5 hpf (msx1b and tfap2a), 16-18 hpf (foxd3 and snai1b) and 24 hpf (crestin) wild-type, cdc73/sunrise, rtf1kt641, leo1LA1186 and ctr9zy13 mutant embryos. Expression of msx1b and tfap2a, which mark the NC precursor domain and NC lineage, respectively, is not altered in Paf1C mutant embryos, while expression of foxd3 and snai1b, which mark the premigratory NC, is severely reduced or absent in the trunk of all Paf1C mutant embryos. Paf1C mutant embryos are devoid of crestin-positive cells, except leo1LA1186 mutants, which have a few crestin-positive cells in the trunk. msx1b- and tfap2a-stained embryos are shown as dorsal views with anterior to the left. foxd3-, snai1b- and crestin-stained embryos are lateral views with anterior towards the left.