SINV does not induce BBB leakage. In vivo assay for BBB permeability. Uninfected controls, IHNV- and SINV-infected fliG/U:RFP larvae were injected IV at 1 and 2 dpi with 10 kDa FITC-dextran. One hour later, live confocal imaging of the brain was performed, to compare FITC intensity within the CBV and BP. (Injections at 2 dpi were performed only on uninfected controls and SINV-infected larvae, because of early death of IHNV-infected larvae.) (A,B) Representative images of IHNV-infected (A) and SINV-infected (B) larvae; single confocal plane at same depth. Scale bars: 100 μm. (C) Ratios of FITC fluorescence intensities measured in BP and CBV. n=2-5 larvae per group; two separate focal planes per larva.