Pggt1b and Sqle activities are required for FBMN migration. (A-E) Lateral brightfield views of 48 hpf embryos, anterior to the left. Embryos were treated with DMSO (A), 75 μM terbinafine (Lamisil) beginning at 0.2 hpf (B,C), or 200 μM terbinafine beginning at 16 hpf (D,E). Inhibition of Sqle activity with terbinafine treatment results in several morphological defects, including shortened axis, thickened yolk extension and pericardial edema. Scale bar: 500 µm. (F-H) Dorsal views of FBMNs (green) in 42 hpf Tg(islet1:GFP) embryos, immunostained for EphA4 to mark r5 (red). FBMN migration is partially disrupted in Pggt1β morphants (F) and in embryos injected with 3 mM GGTI-2147 (G) or treated with 200 μM terbinafine (H). There is also an aberrant accumulation of GFP-positive neurons at the midline in r6-r7 of Pggt1β-injected embryos (arrowhead). Scale bar: 20 μm. (I) Extent of FBMN migration was scored in embryos with disrupted Pggt1β and Sqle activities. Number of embryos scored is indicated in parentheses.