Expression of zinc finger protein, multitype 2b (zfpm2b/fog2b). A,B: Dorsal view of anterior (A) and trunk (B) regions at the 16-somite stage, anterior is to the left. C: Posterior view at the 18-somite stage, dorsal is up. D-F: Lateral view at the 22-somite stage, anterior is to the left. E,F: Lateral view of the tail region of a control wild-type (wt) embryo (E) and etsrp morphant at the 18-somite stage (F). A-C: Fog2b expression is observed in endothelial cell precursors at the 16-18 somite stages in the anterior (ALPM; A) and posterior lateral plate mesoderm (arrows; B,C). D: Fog2b is expressed in a subset of neurons within central nervous system at the 22-somite stage (arrow). E,F: Endothelial-specific fog2b expression in the tail region is significantly reduced in etsrp morphants (arrows).