Fig. S1
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-090306-29
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- Löhr et al., 2009 - Zebrafish diencephalic A11-related dopaminergic neurons share a conserved transcriptional network with neuroendocrine cell lineages
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Comparison of DA cell reduction in arnt2m1055 and arnt2hi2639c. (A-D) th expression at 72 hpf in arnt2m1055 heterozygous siblings (A), arnt2m1055 homozygous mutants (B), arnt2hi2639c heterozygous siblings (C) and arnt2hi2639c homozygous mutants (D). (E) Average number of th-positive cells in distinct groups at 72 hpf in arnt2m1055 heterozygous siblings, arnt2m1055 homozygous mutants, arnt2hi2639c heterozygous siblings and arnt2hi2639c homozygous mutants. Cells of ventral diencephalic groups 2, 4-6 are significantly reduced to a very similar extent in the two different mutant arnt2 alleles. Cells were counted unilaterally in a total of 20 embryos for each genotype. (A-D) Lateral views. Anterior is towards the left. Scale bar: in D, 100 μm for A-D. Abbreviations: AAC, arch associated cluster; Hc, caudal hypothalamus; LC, locus coeruleus; MO, medulla oblongata; PO, preoptic region; Pr, pretectum; sym, sympathetic neurons; TC, telencephalic cluster. |