Overexpression of wild-type alk8 under a heat-shock promoter rescued liver defects in alk8 mutant zebrafish embryos. (A-R) Embryos obtained from crossing alk8+/- females with Tg(hsp70:alk8);alk8+/- males were heat shocked at 18 (A,C,G,I,M,O) or 34 (D,F,J,L,P,R) hpf, and harvested at 34 (A-C,G-I), 42 (D-F,J-L), 47 (M-O) or 54 (P-R) hpf. The expression of hhex (A-F), prox1 (G-L) and cp (M-R) was then examined (arrows). When alk8 was overexpressed at 18 hpf, the expression of hhex, prox and cp in the mutant embryos (C,I,O, arrows) was comparable to that in wild-type siblings (A,G,M, arrows), whereas their expression in the mutant embryos that were not heat shocked was strongly reduced (B,H,N, arrows). Even when alk8 was overexpressed at 34 hpf, hhex, prox and cp expression was substantial in the mutant embryos (F,L,R, arrows) compared with the mutant embryos that were not head shocked (E,K,Q, arrows).