Atoh1-dependent and -independent expression of atoh1 genes. Dorsolateral views (anterior to left) showing expression of atoh1a (A-C,G-I,M-O,S-U) and atoh1b (D-F,J-L,P-R,V-X) in control (A-F) atoh1a morphant (G-L), atoh1b morphant (M-R) and atoh1a;atoh1b double morphant (S-X) embryos at the indicated times. Expression of atoh1a at 32 hpf in mature hair cells and putative nascent hair cells is indicated in C. Arrowheads indicate observed or expected domains of otic expression. Inset in U shows a parasagittal section through the anterior atoh1a expression domain. Scale bar: 15 μm. hc, mature hair cells; n, nascent hair cells.