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GO: Biological Process

regulatory ncRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation

Term ID
  • chromatin silencing by small RNA
  • heterochromatin assembly by small RNA
  • heterochromatin assembly involved in chromatin silencing by small RNA
  • heterochromatin formation involved in chromatin silencing by small RNA
  • ncRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation
  • pre-transcriptional gene silencing by RNA
  • pre-transcriptional gene silencing by small non-coding RNA
  • RNA interference-like chromatin silencing
  • RNA-dependent heterochromatin formation
  • RNA-mediated chromatin silencing
  • RNA-mediated heterochromatin formation
  • RNA-mediated TGS
  • RNA-mediated transcriptional silencing
  • RNAi-directed chromatin silencing
  • RNAi-like chromatin silencing
  • small ncRNA-mediated heterochromatin formation
  • small non-coding RNA-dependent heterochromatin formation
  • small RNA-mediated heterochromatic silencing
  • small RNA-mediated heterochromatin formation
A heterochromatin formation-based gene silencing process mediated by a regulatory non-coding RNA molecule that occur before the beginning of trancription. (2)
GO: Biological Process    QuickGO    AmiGO
is a type of
has subtype
negatively regulated by
regulated by
Phenotype caused by Genes