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GO: Biological Process

heterochromatin formation

Term ID
  • chromatin silencing
  • chromatin-mediated silencing
  • establishment of chromatin silencing
  • establishment of heterochromatic silencing
  • establishment of heterochromatin architecture
  • establishment of heterochromatin architecture involved in chromatin silencing at centromere outer repeat region
  • establishment of heterochromatin architecture involved in chromatin silencing at pericentric region
  • heterochromatic silencing
  • heterochromatin assembly
  • heterochromatin assembly involved in chromatin silencing
  • heterochromatin assembly involved in chromatin silencing at centromere outer repeat region
  • heterochromatin assembly involved in chromatin silencing at pericentric region
  • heterochromatin formation involved in chromatin silencing
  • heterochromatin formation involved in chromatin silencing at centromere outer repeat region
  • heterochromatin formation involved in chromatin silencing at pericentric region
  • heterochromatin maintenance
  • TGS
  • transcriptional gene silencing
An epigenetic gene silencing mechanism in which chromatin is compacted into heterochromatin, resulting in a chromatin conformation refractory to transcription. This process starts with heterochromatin nucleation, its spreading, and ends with heterochromatin boundary formation. (2)
GO: Biological Process    QuickGO    AmiGO
has parts
is a type of
has subtype
negatively regulated by
positively regulated by
regulated by
Phenotype caused by Genes