
Previous Names
Target Sequence 1
Target Sequence 2
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
zf679 cnr1
Gene expression in Wild Types + TALEN1-cnr1
No data available
Phenotype resulting from TALEN1-cnr1
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing TALEN1-cnr1
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
locomotory behavior increased process quality, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 chemical treatment by environment: cannabinoid receptor agonist Fig. 5 from Luchtenburg et al., 2019
locomotory behavior process quality, ameliorated cnr1zf679/zf679 chemical treatment by environment: cannabinoid receptor agonist Fig. 5 from Luchtenburg et al., 2019
whole organism srm expression decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
liver decreased size, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) control Fig. 1 with imageFig. 6 with imageFig. 7 with image from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism srebf1 expression decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver methionine decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
liver lipid increased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) chemical treatment: ethanol Fig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver fabp10a expression decreased distribution, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) control Fig. 1 with imageFig. 6 with imageFig. 7 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver S-adenosyl-L-methionine decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism fabp10a expression decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 1 with image from Liu et al., 2016
hepatocyte morphology, ameliorated cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) chemical treatment: methionine Fig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
hepatocyte morphology, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 3 with imageFig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver homoserine decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism srebf2 expression decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism ahcy expression decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
liver lipid increased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) chemical treatment: ethanol, chemical treatment: methionine Fig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver size, ameliorated cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) chemical treatment: cysteine Fig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
common bile duct morphology, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 3 with imageFig. 4 with image from Liu et al., 2016
gall bladder lipase activity absent, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 3 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver cysteine decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
bile accumulation liver, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 4 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver lipid increased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) chemical treatment: cysteine, chemical treatment: ethanol Fig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
protein methylation decreased occurrence, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
liver size, ameliorated cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) chemical treatment: methionine Fig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
whole organism mthfr expression increased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
methionine metabolic process process quality, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
liver serine decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
common bile duct decreased branchiness, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 3 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
common bile duct development process quality, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 3 with imageFig. 4 with image from Liu et al., 2016
intestine lipase activity decreased occurrence, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 3 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver homocysteine decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 5 from Liu et al., 2016
liver cell population proliferation decreased rate, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679; as3Tg standard conditions Fig. 2 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver decreased size, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679; as3Tg standard conditions Fig. 2 with imageFig. 7 with image from Liu et al., 2016
hepatocyte decreased amount, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679; as3Tg standard conditions Fig. 1 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver decreased size, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679; cnr2zf680/zf680 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 1 with image from Liu et al., 2016
hepatocyte morphology, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679; cnr2zf680/zf680 (TU) control Fig. 6 with image from Liu et al., 2016
liver fabp10a expression decreased distribution, abnormal cnr1zf679/zf679; cnr2zf680/zf680 (TU) standard conditions Fig. 1 with image from Liu et al., 2016