Metabolic dysregulation and aberrant histological features persist in adult Cnr mutants. (A) H&E-stained adult liver sections show evidence of cholestasis (inset) and inflammatory infiltrates in cnr1-/- mutants. cnr2-/- mutants exhibit abnormal cellular morphology with increased open cytoplasm, suggesting extensive steatosis. (B) Adult liver sections stained for biliary marker 2F11 and with DAPI reveal decreased biliary tree formation in cnr1-/- mutants and cholestatic deposits (arrows) in cnr2-/- mutants. (C) Serum triglyceride content in male (C) and female (D) mutants. Adult cnr2-/- zebrafish have doubled triglyceride levels compared with WT and cnr1-/-. MeanĀ±s.e.m.; n>5. One-way ANOVA. **P<0.01 for WT versus cnr2-/-. Scale bars: 0.1mm.