Fig. 4
Gβ1 function in neutrophils is required for wound-induced neutrophil migration. (A) Schematic diagram depicting transplantation procedure. Cells from 72 hpf-Tg(mpx:GFP) embryos (donor) were transplanted into wildtype (WT) embryos (host) at the sphere stage. (B-C) Snapshots from epifluorescence and bright-field time-lapse movie (Supplementary Movie 3), showing positions of neutrophils and wound sites immediately (0 h, B, C) and 2 h (2 h, B′, C′) after wounding. (B-B′) gnb1ab MO1-treated host embryos transplanted with cells from control Tg(mpx:GFP) embryo, with wound site (yellow arrows) and nearest GFP-expressing neutrophil (red arrows) indicated. In 6 out of 7 host embryos, transplanted mpx-GFP expressing neutrophils migrated to the wound. (C-C′) Control host embryos transplanted with cells from gnb1a/b MO1-injected Tg(mpx:GFP) embryo, with wound site (yellow line) and nearest GFP-expressing neutrophil (red arrows) indicated. In 6 host embryos, none of the transplanted mpx-GFP expressing neutrophils migrated to the wound. Drawing at top shows wound position and area imaged (green box).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 428(1), Ke, W., Ye, D., Mersch, K., Xu, H., Chen, S., Lin, F., Gβ1 is required for neutrophil migration in zebrafish, 135-147, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.