Fig. 1
The new alleles show similar Notch molecular phenotypes to those of previous mib mutants.All embryos were raised at 22 °C and flat-mounted WISH performed at 22 hpf. A-D are flat-mounted her4 WISH. (A) WT embryos expressed her4 in brain and neural tube; (B) mibnn2000, (C) mibnn2001 and (D) mibnn2002 mutants all showed a down-regulation of her4 expression. E-H are flat-mounted huc WISH. (E) WT embryos expressed huc in cells of brain and neural tube; (F) mibnn2000, (G) mibnn2001 and (H) mibnn2002 mutants all showed an up-regulation of huc expression. I-L are flat-mounted dlc WISH. (I) WT embryos expressed dlc in PSM, formed somites and cell clusters in the hindbrain; (J) mibnn2000, (K) mibnn2001 and (L) mibnn2002 mutants all showed a salt-and-pepper dlc pattern in the nascent somites and anterior PSM. Note that the dlc expression in formed somites was lost in (L) mibnn2002 mutants.