Fig 5

Maung Ye et al., 2023 - A cell-and-plasma numerical model reveals hemodynamic stress and flow adaptation in zebrafish microvessels after morphological alteration
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Fig 5

Simulation predictions of flow and WSS distribution in networks with ISVs of varying diameters and cross-sectional shapes.

(see also S6 Movie). (A) RBC partitioning and velocity maps for the 3 SGM networks. Magnified cross-sectional profile of aISV1 lumen at 0.75 dorsal-to-ventral position is indicated for the 3 SGM by the arrows (Ai). The variation in average cross sectional aISV lumen diameter along the dorsal-to-ventral axis observed for WT network that was similarly prescribed in the SGM1 and SGM2 ISVs (Aii). The geometric averaging of lumen diameter applied across ISV axis in the SGM3 network (Aiii). Time-averaged aISV (Aiv) and vISV (Av) RBC flow rates. aISV (Avi) and vISV (Avii) blood flow rates across the 5 aISVs in the SGM models. (B) Systolic peak WSS maps for the 3 SGM networks and the magnified cross-sectional WSS distribution in aISV1 lumen at 0.75 dorsal-to-ventral position (Bi). Dorsal-to-ventral plots of systolic WSS in aISVs in the SGM1 (Bii), SGM2 (Biii) and SGM3 (Biv) networks. Comparison of the average systolic WSS (Bv) and the corresponding vessel flow impedance (Rnet) (Bvi) across the 5 aISVs in the 3 SGM networks. Statistical comparisons were performed using one-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple pair comparisons. **, p < 0.01.

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