Figure 4—figure supplement 2.

Assigning pathogenicity to two human TP53 sarcoma mutations in the kRASG12D-driven embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) model.

(A) Tumor numbers per zebrafish expressing no TP53 (tp53-/-), or TP53C176F, or TP53P153Δ.n = 36 (tp53-/-), n = 58 (TP53C176F), n = 81 (TP53P153Δ). (B) Percentage of EdU-positive cells in representative areas of fish tumors expressing either no TP53 (tp53-/-), TP53C176F, or TP53P153Δ. n = 8–10. (C) Total number of pHH3-positive cells per single ERMS tumor ×200 confocal image section assessed from tumors expressing WT TP53, TP53C176F, or TP53P153Δ intp53-/- zebrafish; n = 3–5 primary tumors. (D) Representative images of tumor-burdened adult zebrafish (4–6 months of age) with tumors expressing kRASG12D + TP53C176F (DsRed+) treated with either DMSO or ZMC1 over a span of 3 wk. (E) Western blot showing p53 expression levels in fish tumors expressing kRASG12D + TP53C176F and treated with either DMSO or ZMC1. (F) Percentage of Annexin V-positive cells in tumors expressing kRASG12D + TP53C176F that were treated with either DMSO or ZMC1. n = 4. (G) Ratio of tumor size to total body for in fish tumors expressing kRASG12D + TP53C176F, treated with either DMSO or ZMC1. ns, not significant, n = 4. (H) Representative images of tumor-burdened zebrafish expressing kRASG12D (DsRed+) treated with either DMSO or ZMC1 over a span of 3 wk. Scale bar = 2 mm (I) Western blot showing p53 expression levels in Rh30 cells (control) and fish tumors expressing kRASG12D, treated with either DMSO or ZMC1. (J) Percentage of Annexin V staining of fish tumors expressing kRASG12D, treated with either DMSO or ZMC1. ns, not significant. n = 6–7. (K) Ratio of tumor size to total body in tumors expressing kRASG12D, treated with either DMSO or ZMC1. ns, not significant, n = 4.

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