Figure 7
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- ZDB-FIG-230428-13
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- Yamaguchi et al., 2023 - Calaxin stabilizes the docking of outer arm dyneins onto ciliary doublet microtubule in vertebrates
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(A–B) OAD-DC structures of WT sperm flagella in different Ca2+ conditions: (A) 1 mM EGTA condition (for Ca2+-free) and (B) 1 mM Ca2+ condition. (C) OAD-DC structure of calaxin-/- sperm flagella incubated with recombinant Calaxin protein in 1 mM Ca2+ condition. (A’-C’) Composite images of difference map (red; subtraction of calaxin-/- in 1 mM EGTA condition from A, B, and C, respectively) and calaxin-/- OAD-DC (translucent). Black arrowheads in A indicate the CCDC151/114 structure adjacent to Calaxin, which is not observed in B and C. White arrowheads in B and C indicate the additional density around DC, which is not observed in A. (D) OAD-DC structure of calaxin-/- sperm in 1 mM EGTA condition, which was used to generate (A’-C’).