Fig. 5

Yabe et al., 2023 - Ripply suppresses Tbx6 to induce dynamic-to-static conversion in somite segmentation
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Fig. 5

Dynamics of expression of proteins and mRNA involved in definition of the somite boundary during somitogenesis.

al series of fixed tg(her1:her1-venus) heterozygous embryos at the 7-somite stage stained Her1-venus protein (yellow) and dpERK (cyan) with ripply1 (magenta; ac) and ripply2 (magenta; gi) nascent mRNA. Magnified images of individual channels surrounded by white dotted squares are shown in the right panel. Phase was estimated by the relative position of Her1-venus stripes and anterior end of the dpERK signal gradient (a; n = 10, b; n = 8, cn = 12, g; n = 9, h; n = 7, i; n = 9). Quantified signal intensity of (ac, gi) was plotted in (df, jl) with anterior toward the left. m Schematic illustration of dynamics of Her1, Tbx6 proteins, and ripply1 and ripply2 transcription during zebrafish somitogenesis. n, o Double staining of Tbx6 protein (Blue) with Ripply1-V5 (n; green) or Ripply2-V5 (o; green). ripply1v5/+ and ripply2v5/v5 embryos were fixed at the 6–7 somite stage (n; n = 8, o; n = 9). Magnified images of individual channels surrounded by white dotted squares are shown right. Areas surrounded by a yellow dotted line indicate the most posterior domain of Ripply protein expression. Scale bar indicates 100 μm.

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