Figure 4

van der Plas et al., 2023 - Neural assemblies uncovered by generative modeling explain whole-brain activity statistics and reflect structural connectivity
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Figure 4

HU dynamics are bimodal and activate slower than neurons.

(A) HU dynamics are diverse and are partially shared across HUs. The bimodality transition point of each HU was determined and subtracted individually, such that positive values correspond to HU activation (see Materials and methods - ‘Time constant calculation’6.12). The test data consisted of three blocks, with a discontinuity in time between the first and second block (Materials and methods). (B) Highlighted example traces from panel A. HU indices are denoted on the right of each trace, colored according to their cluster from panel D. The corresponding cellular assemblies of these HU are shown in Figure 3A-I. (C) Top: Pearson correlation matrix of the dynamic activity of panel A. Bottom: Hierarchical clustering of the Pearson correlation matrix. Clusters (as defined by the colors) were annotated manually. This sorting of HUs is maintained throughout the manuscript. OT: Optic Tectum, Di: Diencephalon, ARTR: ARTR-related, Misc.: Miscellaneous, L: Left, R: Right. (D) A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the HU dynamics of panel A shows that much of the HU dynamics variance can be captured with a few PCs. The first 3 PCs captured 52%, the first 10 PCs captured 73% and the first 25 PCs captured 85% of the explained variance. (E) The distribution of all HU activity values of panel A shows that HU activity is bimodal and sparsely activated (because the positive peak is smaller than the negative peak). PDF: Probability Density Function. (F) Distribution of the time constants of HUs (black) and neurons (grey). Time constants are defined as the median oscillation period, for both HUs and neurons. An HU oscillation is defined as a consecutive negative and positive activity interval. A neuron oscillation is defined as a consecutive interspike-interval and spike-interval (which can last for multiple time steps, for example see Figure 1A). The time constant distribution of HUs is greater than the neuron distribution (Mann Whitney U test, P<1016).

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