Fig. 7

Basnakova et al., 2021 - The habenula clock influences response to a stressor
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Fig. 7

Fig. 7. Sleep is unaltered in Tg(gng8:GAL4, UAS:EGFP-Δclocka) larvae

(A, B) Distances moved (cm/10 min) by an individual fish from (A) Control group and (B) ΔCLK group, plotted against time (hr) over the time-course of the whole recording. CT = circadian time. (C, D) Mean distances moved (cm/10 min) of ΔCLK (blue) and control (orange) groups, plotted against time (hr) (C) during the first 14 h of recording, including 4 h of light-phase and 10 h in the dark during the night (i.e. Zeitgeber Time ZT 10–14 and ZT 14–24) and (D) during the subsequent 24 h of recording under DD (i.e. Circadian Time CT 0–24). 95% CIs are indicated by the shaded areas; horizontal brackets indicate 5 timeframes analysed in panel E. Black and white bars represent periods of dark and light, respectively. (E) The Cumming estimation plot shows the mean differences in 5 timeframes of the recording: ZT10-14 (1; light-phase), ZT14-24 (2; first night), CT0-7 (3: early subjective day), CT7-14 (4: late subjective day) and CT14-24 (5: subjective night). The upper axis shows the raw data, with each dot representing the overall distance moved (cm) by a single larva; gapped vertical lines to the right of each group indicate mean ± SD. Each mean difference is plotted on the lower axes as a bootstrap sampling distribution. Mean differences are depicted as black dots and 95% CIs are indicated by the end of vertical error bars. (F–H) Analysis of sleep during the subjective night. ΔCLK and control fish have similar average sleep bout (F), sleep bout frequency (G) and total sleep (H). (I) Analysis of sensory responsiveness of the Tg(gng8:GAL4, UAS:EGFP-Δclocka) larvae (7 dpf) during the delivery of auditory stimuli of 9 different intensities. The Cumming estimation plot shows the mean differences for 9 comparisons, corresponding to 9 stimulus intensities (0–100%). The raw data is plotted on the upper axis, each dot representing the percentage of responders per single experimental run. . (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

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