Fig 3

Wang et al., 2022 - Reduced sister chromatid cohesion acts as a tumor penetrance modifier
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Fig 3

Reduced SCC in esco2 and sgol1 haploinsufficient animals correlates with accelerated tumor onset.

(A) Representative images of “paired” and “railroad” (RR) metaphase spreads. Inset shows zoomed-in view of each phenotype. (B) The percentage of metaphase spreads in esco2+/+ and esco22865/+ showing paired or RR phenotypes. Two pools of embryos were used for esco2+/+ and esco22865/+ spreads from two independent experiments. A total of 92 esco2+/+ and 119 esco22865/+ spreads were tallied. (C) The percentage of spreads in sgo1+/+ and sgo1+/- showing paired or RR phenotypes. Three pools of embryos were used for sgo1+/+ and sgo1m/+ spreads. A total of 131 sgo1+/+ and 142 sgo1+/- spreads were tallied. ** p-value < 0.01 and *** p-value < 0.001 by paired t-test. (D) Kaplan-Meier curves for tumor-free survival for p53+/+, sgo1+/-; p53+/+, p53+/- and sgo1+/-; p53+/- cohorts. Cohorts were established by natural single-pair breeding of sgo1+/- X p53+2/+ parents (all cohorts were n = 96). P-value = <0.0001 when comparing p53+/- with sgo1+/-; p53+/- curves based on Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test.

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