The antibacterial effect of zebrafish CD44a_tv2 depends on the cytoplasmic p53-mediated inhibition of autophagy.a The 5′ flanking regulatory sequence of zebrafish p53. The transcription factor binding sites were underlined. b The relative luciferase activity of p53-pGL3 promoter. c The effects of zebrafish CD44a variants on the promoter activity of p53 without or with the infection of E. piscicida. d The effects of zebrafish CD44a variants on the transcription of p53 in the CD44a−/−-14del cells. e Zebrafish larvae microinjected with FLAG, CD44a_tv1 or CD44a_tv2 without or with the treatment of pifithrin-μ were collected at 48 hpi, and homogenates were made for CFU counts. f Larval survival analysis in the WT zebrafish larvae microinjected with FLAG, CD44a_tv1 or CD44a_tv2 without or with the treatment of pifithrin-μ (n = 60 for each group). g Immunoblotting analysis and quantification of p62 and LC3b levels in the WT zebrafish microinjected with FLAG, CD44a_tv1 or CD44a_tv2 without or with the treatment of pifithrin-μ. WB were repeated at least two times, and shown were the representative data. Data are presented as mean values ± SD (n = 3) and p values by Student’s t test are shown in b–e. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; ns not significant.