CD44a deficiency inhibits cell growth and survival.a DEGs involved in p53 signaling pathway at 24 hpi by RNAseq analysis of mRNA expression levels in the WT and CD44a−/−-14del zebrafish larvae infected with E. piscicida. b Validation of DEGs involved in p53 signaling pathway at 24 hpi by qRT-PCR. c Cell viability analysis of the WT and CD44a−/−-14del cells in the absence of infection. The cells were collected at 12, 24, 36 and 48 h. d, e Cell viability analysis of the WT and CD44a−/−-14del cells with or without the overexpression of p53. The cells were collected at 24 h (d) and 48 h (e). f Cell viability analysis of the WT and CD44a−/−-14del cells infected with E. piscicida. The cells were collected at 6, 12 and 24 hpi. g–i Cell viability analysis of the WT and CD44a−/−-14del cells with or without the overexpression of p53 following the E. piscicida infection. The cells were collected at 6 hpi (g), 12 hpi (h) and 24 hpi (i). j mRNA levels of CD44a and many genes involved in p53 signaling pathway in the WT and CD44a−/−-14del zebrafish with or without the overexpression of p53 following the E. piscicida infection. The cells were collected at 24 hpi. Data are presented as mean values ± SD (n = 3) and p values by Student’s t test are shown in b–j. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; ns not significant.