Figure 2

Palominos et al., 2022 - The Olfactory Organ Is a Unique Site for Neutrophils in the Brain
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Figure 2

Sustentacular cells in the OE are associated with markers for neutrophils. (A, B) Cryosections of adult olfactory epithelia. (A) Adult olfactory rosette (OE) from Tg(six4b:mCh) line showing sustentacular cells (red) that are distributed within the lamellae of the OE where some areas have denser clusters (boxed area). EN: Epineurium; mr: midline raphe. Scale bar = 100 μm. (B) Sectioned OE of Tg(six4b:mCh;mpx:GFP) Six4b:mCh+ SCs (red) and mpx:GFP+ neutrophils(green) are found in the respiratory OE near the tips of the lamellae (boxed area). Scale bar = 50 μm. Inset B:. A small subset on cells are positive are both mpx:GFP+ and Six4b:mCh+ positive (arrows). (A) 1 sectioned brain, (B) 2 sectioned brains.

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