Fig. 4

Haraoka et al., 2022 - Zebrafish imaging reveals TP53 mutation switching oncogene-induced senescence from suppressor to driver in primary tumorigenesis
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Fig. 4

Additional TP53<sup>R175H</sup> mutation reinforces SASP.

a A SASP factor ROS is detected in mosaic RasG12V and RasG12VTP53R175H cells and RasG12VTP53R175H cell neighbours. Representative confocal images show ROS-probe (CellRox DeepRed (magenta))-stained larvae with mosaically introduced cells expressing GFP alone (control) or with RasG12V, TP53R175H, or both RasG12V and TP53R175H (GFP+, Ras+, TP53RH+, or Ras+TP53RH+ cells) (green). White arrows indicate ROS in GFP+ oncogenic cells. Yellow arrows indicate ROS in the neighbouring area. NAC treatment reduces ROS. Scale bar: 20 μm. Box plots of CellROX intensities in GFP+ cells or neighbouring area (20 μm radius around GFP+ cells) show first and third quartile, median is represented by a line, whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum, and outliers are shown as dots outside of the box. Each dot represents one cell or one area. A two-tailed one-way ANOVA test with Sidak correction was used. b RasG12V and TP53R175H synergistically promote the expression of SASP factors, interleukin-1β (il1b). Representative confocal images show fluorescence in situ hybridization of il1b mRNA (magenta) in larvae with mosaically introduced cells expressing GFP alone (control) or with RasG12V, TP53R175H, or both RasG12V and TP53R175H (GFP+, Ras+, TP53RH+, or Ras+TP53RH+ cells) (green). Scale bar: 20 μm. Bar plots show il1b+GFP+ cells (mean ± SEM). Each dot represents one larva. A two-tailed one-way ANOVA test with Sidak correction was used. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

Expression Data
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Stage: Long-pec

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