Anti-tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunolabeling on 3 days post fertilization zebrafish larvae. (A,C) ankk1+/+ and (B,D) ankk127ins/27ins. (A,B) Maximum projection dorsal view of whole mount larvae. Circles indicate diencephalic dopaminergic cluster (DC), used for quantification of cell number (E), and locus coeruleus (LC) used as landmark for determining the extent of the medial longitudinal catecholaminergic tract when quantifying the number of anti-TH labeled projections to the midline (F,G). (C,D) Representative images of staining of DC used for cell quantification shown in (E). (F) Example of sections used for quantification of dopaminergic projections shown in (G). Projections were assessed from posterior to anterior using the LC and anterior extent of the medulla oblongata (MO) as landmarks [(F) dotted line, arrows indicate example of projections], and from dorsal to ventral [(G) stacks 1–3]. N = 5 samples × genotype group.